Sunday, September 28, 2008

Our Jonas Brother

Scott and I got bored one night, so we flat ironed his hair...
He went from Geek...
... to Chic
Jonas Brother number 4... I think so!
Get your pictures with him now, this boy is gonna be famous.

September by Lisa

Had a great visit with Joy and Stephanie when they came to Provo for the weekend. Ate pizza at my house, played Wizard (card game) and roasted marshmellows in the backyard. We all talked for hours, and the night went by so fast!
Dan's beloved pillow. Pretty much a lump of dust mite feces inside a pillowcase. Dan doesn't care.
The peach thief! She stalks in the orchard behind our house (which smells so wonderful this time of year) and sneaks peaches a few at a time.
Ryann is so cute. Every time she comes to our house, she and Summer run straight to the dress up box.
Summer with her favorite food. Just plain hot dogs (all summer long), no bun, ketchup or mustard please.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Max had some finger trouble

This is a picture of Max in a little bit of a pickle. We were on our way to Silver wood with some cousins for one last hurrah before it closes for the year. Max was sitting in the back with Sammy, his cousin, when they found some sprinkler pipe. Sammy put it on his finger and got it stuck but was able to get it off. Max wanting to up Sam put it on his finger but went past the second knuckle. The pipe was bevelled inside and turned out to be like a Chinese finger torture. I got some tin snips and was able to cut it off. I realized when I would pull I was actually taking off his skin. I was really glad I didn't didn't have to take him to urgent care. We ended up going to silverwood and having a great time.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sunday Dinner by Lisa

This was a little freaky. That is a black widow that has captured and killed a small snake in her web. Mom and Dad's back porch. As disgusting as it looked, we couldn't stop staring.
AAAWWW. How sweet, nothing like an after dinner nap.Andrea and her husband, Jason, are now living in Lindon. Jason will be a BYU student. We hope they will be coming to many more Sunday dinners.
It's great to have Collynn back. She is a stylin' pregnant mommy! We are all excited for October 21st when her C-Section is scheduled. Will it be a boy or a girl?.......I know, but I'll never tell.
The best surprise! Grandma and Grandpa Gordon came to Utah for Gordon's family reunion and stayed with mom and dad. We had a great visit Sunday night. Grandma had to opportunity to observe my guitar lesson from Kate. It didn't sound pretty, but it gives her an idea of where I am starting. I hope to be significantly better the next time I see Grandma.