Monday, December 24, 2007


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to our family blog. I thought this would be a fun way to keep in touch. Especially to see what is happening up in Couer-D'alene with Leann and for when Kevin and I move away and for when Scott and Collynn are away for summers. Blogging is so fun! You can post pictures and share how the week has been, and just put whatever you want. It is really fun.

To start out I thought I would put my top ten favorite things that happened this month.

10. Working. Even though it occupied about 50 hours each week it was fun to go to so many Christmas parties and eat all the great food. I also go to polish up on some of my kitchen skills helping out the chefs.

9. Watching Collynn and Scott's kids. It was hard but we had a lot of fun and by the end of the week I felt good that I survived a week of being a mother of two!

8. Finding out that Collynn, Scott and I will all be running the Moab 1/2 Marathon in March.

7. Christmas Shopping. Kev hates malls, and Christmas malls are the worst but it is still fun to go out shopping and be involved in the hustle and bustle of the season.

6. Decorating the Christmas Tree. Thanks Dave and Krista for the great tree! I decorated it with Ryann and Jack and we had so much fun!

5. I saw the movie with Keri Russel called the Waitress and I loved it! It was set up in such a white trash environment and was really funny, but sad too.

4. Last Saturday we had a delicious Breakfast with my high school friends who are home for the holidays and we had the best food! A delicious parfait, Crem Brulee French Toast and Amy brought an awesome breakfast casserole that will be perfect for conference brunch

3. Anne Reichman held an ugly sweater party (which Kevin and I won) and we also had a Sub-For-Santa family we got gifts for. It was a single mom with 3 kids who just recently got the courage to leave her bad husband. She came with her family to pick up the presents and thank us in person. It was so fun to meet her and her adorable kids and get to know them. It felt so nice to know we were able to help such a sweet family.

2. Making treats with all the girls. It was so fun for us to be able to get together and make delicious little goodies while we talked! Too bad it snowed on all our pretzels :)

1. It hasn't happened yet but I am So excited to spend Christmas Eve with the family and have a little program just like the old time. I always feel so grateful for the times we are able to gather as a family and feel the spirit and love of the Gospel. It always helps me to feel the Christmas Spirit and the true meaning of the season.

Well everyone I love you all and wish you a very Merry Christmas!


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