Friday, March 7, 2008

Owen News

Tonight I got to shoot during half time at the BYU game for $1000. It was pretty cool. I don't think that I've ever been in front of that many people at one time. Unfortunately I lost, but the guy I shot against works with me and we decided beforehand that we would split the money 50/50. I told Collynn that I would give her the money to go shopping! I think she's excited about that. Another bit of good news from our family is that COLLYNN IS PREGNANT!!! This will be our third child. We don't want to find out the gender until the baby is born. Collynn has already started buying some clothes for the baby. Of course they are in neutral colors so they will work for a boy and a girl. Ryann and Jack are really excited about having a new baby in the family. Ryann is always telling Collynn that the baby is hungry or tired and that she should eat or take a nap. The other day she even said that the baby wanted to go to Chucky Cheese! It was really funny. She is getting very smart and for the most part is really good and obedient. Jack had his tonsils and adnoids removed a couple of weeks ago. He had tube put in his ears as well. We thought that the recovery would be hard for him but he seemed completely fine right when he got home from the hospital. I think that his ears had been bothering for so long that the pain from the surgery was less than the pain that he had been experiencing all the time. He is doing great now and is full of energy. Ryann and Jack have been riding their bikes outside since it has been getting warmer. Ryann is scared to take of her training wheels but I think that we will be able to get them off before the end of the summer. We are moving to Portland for the summer for my job. We are excited to go. This will be the last summer that we move out for the summer. My division and personal office are looking really good. There are a lot of good guys going out with us and I'm excited to work with them. We are going to go to California in a couple of weeks for my Dad's 50th birthday. It will be the last time that we are able to go to stay in the mission home before they finish their mission. See you all later.

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